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The Tibetan Plateau is one of the most remarkable topographic features on Earth, and has widely taken to be the classic example of continent-continent collision.In the northern Tibet,the Altyn Tagh fault(ATF) system over 2000-km-long is the longest left-lateral strike-slip fault in the Asia,which accommodates sinistral motion between the Tibetan Plateau and the Tarim block within the India-Eurasia collision zone.The Kangxiwar Fault,extending over a length of 700km,is located on in northwestern Tibet as the western segment of the ATF.Our goal of this study is to document the Late Quaternary geomorphic features along the Kangxiwar Fault,Western Kunlun Mountains based on the analyses of high-resolution satellite images(Landsat ETM,IRS and SRTM DEM data) as well as field observations.We also discussed the lateral slip-rate and the relationship between growth of tectono-geomorphic features and repeated large seismic events.We identified an 80-km-long surface rupture zone produced by the most recent large seismic event with a maximum 4m of coseismic displacement.Consequently,this earthquake might be of moment magnitude(M_w) 7.3.Geomorphic features such as systematic offset streams,dis ̄placed fluvial fans and terrace risers,pullapart grabens,and pressure ridges or push-ups are well developed along the surface rupture zone.These well-preserved geomorphic features are related to long-term geomorphic growth as well as the dry and cold alpine climate.In addition,we inferred that a long-term slip rate is 8~12mm/a since(55±)5kaB.P.according to these displaced geomorphic features and their apparent dating age,which is far lower than the high slip rate(20~30mm/a) as the extrusion model expected,but it is close to the result estimated from geologic(9±2mm/a) and geodetic measurements(9±4mm/a) in the central and eastern segments of the ATF.
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