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针对目前国内海底蠕动爬行机器人攻打千斤洞的特点 ,在对海洋沉积土的工程性质进行分析的基础上 ,利用流变力学的理论 ,提出用波动方程来建立攻泥机器人周期性冲击土壤的力学模型 ,用后向差分法解波动方程 ,得到土壤的位移和变形公式 ,确定土壤对攻泥机的阻力 .通过对模型的仿真 ,证明了用该模型计算阻力的可行性 .
according to the characteristics of the present move-in-soil robot based on creeping principle, a seabed soil mechanics model of rheology is proposed by wave equation, as far as the engineering behavior of seabed soil under the periodical impact is concerned. During the solution of the wave equation with backward difference, we work out the displacement and distortion of the soil unit. After that, a simulation is provided on plastic and solid mud, and the feasibility of using this way to calculate the resistance generated by soil is also studied.
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