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为解决建筑结构在地震或风荷载等作用下的振动控制问题,得出了状态反馈下的最优鲁棒H∞控制器。对于系统参数和输入特性都不确知的建筑结构,从鲁棒H∞控制理论出发,求解线性矩阵不等式。以鲁棒H∞范数的极小值γm in为准则,优化了作动器的数目和位置。该控制器的设计和作动器的优化配置同时考虑了两者的相互影响,对其进行了一体化设计。通过对一个多层剪切型建筑结构进行仿真计算,验证了该方法的有效性和其简单易行、鲁棒性强等特性。
A robust H_∞ controller with state feedback was developed for vibration control of building structure during seismic excitation or wind loads.The building structure can have uncertain system parameters and disturbances.The linear matrix inequalities were solved based on robust H_∞ control theory to optimize the number of actuators and their locations based on a minimum norm criterion.The integrated design of the robust controller and the actuator placement includes the interactions between the controller and the actuators.The validity and robustness of the method are confirmed through a simulation of a multilayer shear frame building structure.
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