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<正> 目次前言一、地理位置及探方分布 (一)沿革与位置 (二)考古发掘前遗址保存状况 (三)探方分布二、含元殿建筑群遗迹 (一)殿堂 (二)两阁 (三)殿堂与翔鸾阁之间的遗迹 (四)殿堂与栖凤阁之间的遗迹 (五)大台 (六)殿前广场 (七)龙尾道 (八)东朝堂的位置三、早于含元殿的遗迹 (一)砖瓦窑址 (二)生土墩台 (三)灰坑 (四)夯土墙基和磉堆四、出土遗物 (一)砖瓦类 (二)石制品 (三)陶瓷器 (四)夯土铁器 (五)铜器 (六)其他五、讨论 (一)含元殿是否由观德殿改拆而成 (二)砖瓦窑址的性质与意义 (三)含元殿的修缮与拆毁 (四)龙尾道的位置
The site of the Hanyuan Hall, the main hall of the Darning Palace of the Tang dynasty, stood on the summit of Longshou Hill, located one kilometer north of the pressent-day Xi'an railway station. Excavations there in 1995-96 were carried out as a part of the Hanyuan Hall Protective Project sponsered jointly by UNESCO, the Japanese government and the Chinese govern- ment. The work began in March 1995 and completed in December 1996. The entire area of the Hanyuan Hall site was marked into sections, each measuring 15 square meters. There were opened 122 squares, totalling 27,000 square meters. In order to get more data from underground, especially from rammed earth of the Tang dynasty, the ground penetrating radar technique was adopted. The important results are: 1) The excavation confirms the existence of the Hanyuan Hall, though it was destroyed seriously during the past thousand years. Its construction was begun in 662 AD and complet- ed in 663 AD. The place had been a part of the forbidden garden and there had been no im- portant halls before the construction of the Hanyuan Hall. It collapsed at the end of the Tang dynasty. 2) A total of 21 brick-firing kilns were found in the northeast of the site. Of them, 5 kilns were excavated and dated a little earlier than the Hanyuan Hall construction. A lot of bricks from the kilns are stamped with craftsmen's names; such bricks were also found in the Hanyuan Hall. This discovery proves that the large number of bricks for the construction of the Hanyuan Hall were made on the spot. 3) The southern platform of the Hanyuan Hall was found. The Hanyuan Hall was con- structed at the southeastern end of Longshou Hill. The platform was made by cutting the hill and then ramming the earth. Textural records say that "there are three platforms in front of the Hanyuan Hall," but their positions are unknown. The southern platform was exposed by removing superimposed layers 3 meters thick. Vestiges of brick walls and aprons remain in the original place. A lot of bricks and stone carvings of balustrades are piled up nearby. The square of the Tang dynasty is made of rammed earth. Some remains of earlier buildings were revealed beneath the Tang square. 4) The locations of the two strips of "Dragon Tail Steps" were ascertained. As the brick walls and aprons of the southern plat form of Hanyuan Hall are linked up, there are no traces of steps in the front of the platform. We found a part of pavement on the eastern side of the Qifeng Pavilion. Being sloping and hard, the pavement should be one of the two strips of "Dragon Tail Steps. " Another strip should be on the western side of the Xiangluan Pavilion. Unfortunately, it has been destroyed thoroughly. The feature is similar to that of the first Supreme Hall in Nara, which was constructed in 710 AD, as well as to that of the first hall of the Bohai Palace in Ning'an, built in the 850s.
[1] 马得志:《1959-1960年唐大明宫发掘简报》,《考古》1961年7期。
    [2] 郭义孚:《含元殿外观复原》,《考古》1963年10期。
    [3] 傅熹年:《唐大明宫含元殿原状的探讨》,《文物》1973年7期。
    [4] 杨鸿勋:《唐大明宫含元殿复原研究》,《庆祝苏秉琦考古五十五周年论文集》,文物出版社,1989年;杨鸿勋:《唐长安大明宫含元殿应为五凤楼形制》,《文物天地》1991年5期。
    [5] 《资治通鉴》卷一百九十四。
    [6] 同[5] 。
    [7] 《唐会要》卷三十。
    [8] 《旧唐书》卷四:“(龙朔三年)夏四月丙午,幸蓬莱宫新起含元殿。”
    [9] 李华:《含元殿赋》,《全唐文》卷三百一四。
    [10] 同[3] 。
    [11] 徐松:《唐两京城坊考》序,中华书局,1985年。
    [12] 《太平御览》卷一百七十三。
    [13] 宋敏求:《长安志》卷六。
    [14] 程大昌:《雍录》卷三。
    [15] 足立喜六:《长安史迹考》,商务印书馆,1935年。
    [16] 同[14] 。
    [17] 中国社会科学院考古研究所西安唐城工作队。《隋仁寿宫唐九成宫37号殿址的发掘》,《考古》1995年12期。
    [18] 王森文:《汉唐都城图》前记,引自《唐长安大明官》附录,科学出版社,1959年。
    [19] [9] 。
    [20] 同[3] 、[4] 1989年文。
    [21] 《唐六典》卷七。
    [22] 同[21] 。
    [23] 《唐会要》卷二十五。
    [24] 同[21] 。
    [25] 《唐会要》卷六十。
    [26] 同[13] 。
    [27] 同[4] 1991年文。
    [28] 同[9] 。
    [29] 同[14] 。
    [30] 同[21] 。
    [31] 同[14] 。
    [32] 同[17] 。
    [33] 《旧唐书》卷十二“(至德)三载正月……庚寅,大阅诸军于含元殿庭”。
    [34] 同[21] 。
    [35] 《旧唐书》卷四十三。
    [36] 傅熹年先生对龙尾道的见解很正确,见[3] 。
    [37] 《雍录》卷八。
    [38] 同[21] 。
    [39] 马得志;《唐长安城发掘新收获》,《考古》1987年4期。
    [40] 同[13] 。
    [41] 同[14] 。
    [42] 同[13] 。
    [43] 《册府元龟》卷一一○。
    [44] 《隋书》卷一。
    [45] 中国社会科学院考古研究所汉城工作队:《汉长安城北宫的勘探及南面砖瓦窑的发掘》,《考古》1996年10期。
    [46] 韩保全:《西安慈恩寺内的唐代砖瓦窑址》,《考古与文物》1986年1期。
    [47] 中国社会科学院考古研究所西安唐城工作队:《唐长安西明寺遗址发掘简报》,《考古》1990年1期。
    [48] 中国社会科学院考古研究所西安唐城工作队:《唐长安青龙寺遗址》,《考古学报》1989年2期。
    [49] 《唐会要》卷八十六。
    [50] 同[17] 。
    [51] 《旧唐书》卷十三。
    [52] 段成式:《酉阳杂俎》卷十九。
    [53] 《芝田录》,引自程鸿诏:《唐两京城坊考校补记》。
    [54] 《旧唐书》卷三十七:“(贞元)四年正月朔日,……殿阶级栏槛三十余间无故自坏,甲士死者十余人,其夜京师地震。……元和三年四月壬申,大风毁含元殿西阙栏槛二十七间,……(元和十二年)六月,京师大雨,街市水深三尺,坏庐舍二千家,含元殿一柱陷。……(太和)九年四月二十六日夜大风,含元殿四鸱尾皆落”。
    [55] 《册府元龟》卷一百四十七。
    [56] 《资治通鉴》卷二百五十四。
    [57] 《新唐书》卷二百二十五。
    [58] 《资治通鉴》卷二百五十五,二百五十六,二百六十,二百六十二,二百六十四。
    [59] 同[14] 。
    [60] 同[14] 。
    [61] 《太平御览》卷一百八十四。
    [62] 同[14] 。
    [63] 同[13] 。
    [64] 钱易:《南部新书》,《丛书集成初编》。
    [65] 王谠:《唐语林》,《丛书集成初编》。
    [66] 沈青崖:《陕西通志》,雍正十三年刊本。
    [67] 同[15] 。
    [68] 平冈武夫:《长安与洛阳》(地图),陕西人民出版社,1957年。
    [69] 原田淑人:《东京城》(渤海国上京龙泉府址发掘调查),东亚考古学会,1937年。
    [70] 田中琢:《平城京》,《古代日本发掘》3,岩波书店,东京,1984年。
    [71] 《唐会要》卷一百:日本国“长安三年,遣其大臣朝臣真人来朝,贡方物。朝臣真人者,犹中国户部尚书……宴之麟德殿,授司膳卿而还”。

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