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谷坊坝是泥石流治理的重要工程措施之一。化石板沟泥石流治理工程共设13座谷坊坝,组成梯级谷坊坝群;坝体主要分布在泥石流形成区和流通区,混凝土结构,轴向两端嵌入沟道两侧基岩0.5~1 m。通过对比化石板沟谷坊工程修建前后沟床纵坡比降、沟道两侧斜坡稳定性及泥石流侵蚀速率等方面的差异,证明谷坊工程能够有效拦蓄松散固体物质、稳固沟床和岸坡、降低沟道纵坡比降、降低泥石流流速和耗散流体能量、抬高沟道上游泥石流侵蚀基准面。研究发现,化石板沟谷坊坝群共拦截固体物质2.76×104 m3,仅占流域物源总量574.9×104 m3的0.5%,占近期可供给泥石流活动的物源量85×104 m3的3.3%;稳固沟床松散物质4.37×104 m3,仅占流域物源总量的0.76%,占近期可供给泥石流活动的物源量的5.2%;稳固沟道两侧坡体松散物质134.07×104 m3,占流域物源总量的23.3%,泥石流物源减少;回淤的沟道比降为原比降的60%~75%,相同频率下泥石流流速、峰值流量降低,沟道侵蚀速率下降,泥石流输沙量减少35%~57%;上游泥石流支沟侵蚀基准面抬升0.3~0.5 m。泥石流呈现从粘性到稀性,再到含沙水流的趋势发展。
Check dam is one of the most effective structures to control debris flows.In Huashiban gully,control measures includes civil engineering works and biological works,where there are 13 check dams which make up cascade check dams,mainly distributing in the debris flow form-circulate region.The type of gravity dams are concrete structure,with both axial ends embedded in the bedrock for about 0.5~1 m.Based on the comparison of the differences on gradient of the ditch,stability of the slope on both sides and erosion rate of debris flow between pre and post construction of the check dams,this paper shows the application of check dams on blocking and storing loss solid mass,stabilizing the ditch bed and bank slope,decreasing gradient of the gully,lowering debris flow velocity and its kinetic energy,and uplifting the base level of debris flow erosion in upstream.According to our research,check dams in Huashiban gully block solid mass 2.76×104 m3,only 0.50% of the total material source(575.1×104 m3),and 3.3% of the short-term activity soil source(85×104 m3),which indicate blocking is not the main function.Check dams stabilize the bed 4.37×104 m3,accounting for 0.76% of the total material source,and 5.2% of the short-term activity content of debris flow.On the other hand,Check dams stabilize the slope 134.07×104 m3,accounting for 23.3% of the total material source,leading to the decreasing of debris flow source.Gradient of the deposition area has declined to 60%~75%.For debris flows at the same frequency,the velocity,peak flux and erosion rate goes down,sediment transportation reduces by 35%~57%,and erosion base level in the upper ditch was uplifted by 0.3~0.5 m.On the whole,debris flows are translating from viscous flows to turbulent flows,and then high sand content flows.
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