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层序地层学脱胎于地震地层学 ,它已经在石油及其它沉积矿产勘探中得到了广泛的应用。目前 ,国际上层序地层学的应用和研究大体上可以分成 3个学术组 ,即Vail为代表的Exxon组、Gal loway组及Cross组。他们有共同的术语 ,但概念模型及思路方法又各不相同。本文探讨了层序地层学的起源和演化及各学术组的特点和优势。
Sequence stratigrphy is evolved from seismic stratigraphy, and has found wide use in petroleum and other sedimentary resources exploration in the world. Currently, there are probably three research groups that are undertaking the sequence stratigraphy study: Exxon group represented by Vail et al., Galloway represen ted by Galloway, and Cross's represented by Cross. They share some terms of sequence stratigraphy, but they have their own conceptual model and study ways for sequence stratigraphy. This paper tries to analyze the origin and the evolution of sequence stratigraphy, and features and predominance of these research groups.
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    [1 1 ]Haq ,B .U ,Berggrer,W .A .andVanWagoner ,J.A ,etal.CorrectedageofthePliocene Pleistoceneboundary :Nature ,1 977.2 69.2 83 -2 89.
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    [1 3 ]Vail,P .R .Seismicstratigraphyinterpretationusingsequencestratigraphy .Part 1 :seismicstratigraphyinterpretationprocedure ,inA .W .Bally ,ed ,AtlasofSeismicStratigraphy,volumeAAPGStudiesinGeology 2 7,1 987.1 -1 0 .
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