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The Bogda Shan, located on the northern margin of East Tianshan, forms the watershed between the Junggar basin and the Chaiwopu depression. Its initial uplift time has been debated for a long time, and is of important geotectonic significance.Field surveys and seismic exploration show that the lowest regional angular unconformity older than the Carboniferous developed between the Cretaceous and the pre-Cretaceous strata. Several measurements have been made of cross-bedding and stoss surfaces of imbricate pebbles. Statistical analysis of the data indicates that a major change in sediment dispersal pattern occurred at the end of the Jurassic or the beginning of the Cretaceous. In the Jurassic, the sediment dispersal pattern is convergent, and the Bogda area functioned as a water catchment. In the Cretaceous, the sediment dispersal pattern is divergent, and the Bogda area functioned as a watershed. A statistical study of the composition of clasts in the Jurassic and Cretaceous conglomerates suggests that these Cretaceous conglomerates are different from the Jurassic conglomerates, and are composed mainly of volcanic gravels derived from nearby areas. On the basis of these studies we conclude that the initial uplift of Bogda Shan took place between the latest Jurassic and the earliest Cretaceous.Therefore we suggest that 1the Bogda Shan is not an integral part of the Tianshan orogenic belt; and 2 the Chaiwopu depression is part of the early Mesozoic Junggar Basin.
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