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Worldwide continental shelves have been investigated and shelf shoals are a kind of submarine geography commonly developed within continental shelf areas.Several known shoals have been developed within Chinese continual shelf.These shoals have set up a dynamic equilibrium system with present dynamic conditions,forming a modern tidal current deposit regime.However,the Nanbeiwei shoal on the shelf of the northern South China Sea is named continental shelf shoal,but its genesis is completely different from other continental shoals.Based on the seismic data,this paper indicates that Nanwei,Beiwei,and Huizhou shoals developed within the east and south shelves belong to structural landform,with each shelf corresponding to one underlying diaper.They do not occur independently but belong to relative larger thrusting structure at depth.The thrusting structure is located beneath the Nanwei and Beiwei shoals with several diapers,which respond to the Nanwei,Beiwei and Huizhou shoals discussed in this study.The Nanwei,Beiwei and Huizhou shoals have the same deep setting,constituting a united diapir system on plane,and this study names it Nanbeiwei shoal diapir system.This diapir sytem forms roughly round shape with Beiwei at center and Nanwei,Huizhou and Lufeng around the margin,and is confined within an area of 50 km in diameter.Tectonically,the diapir system rests between Zhuhai depression and Dongsha uplift.Development of the Nanbeiwei diapir system is attributed to a compressed stress setting in the northeast of South Sea by the Dongsha uplift.This system activated transport layer of the Huilu-Dongsha petroleum system,and re-adjusted potential difference and gradient of oil and gas migration,forming a preferential zone for hydrocarbon accumulation near to the diapir system.The known oil and gas fields are basically distributed around this zone.Therefore,future oil and gas exploration should aim at this zone,as well as within the central area of the Nanbeiwei diapir system.
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