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Based on seismic data recorded by Zigong local digital seismic network and mobile stations from January 2007 to August 2010,the correlation between pressure,water injection rate of Jia 33 well and seismic activities of three cluster regions(A,B,and C) in Zigong-Longchang area is studied,and the seismogenic mechanism of induced earthquakes is studied by the space concentration distribution of shallow seismic activity and the difference of local stress state.The result shows that the injection pressure of Jia 33 well has obvious regulatory effect on seismic activity of region B.At the stage of negative pressure injection,the effect of water injection rate on seismic activity is small,the seismic activity of region B is very weak,at the stage of injection pressure,when the pressure is continuously elevated,the seismicity is obviously increased,and the frequency and intensity present a good correlation with the water injection rate.According to the focal mechanism solutions and stress field characteristic of earthquakes in research area,the focal depth of three ML≥4 earthquakes are all shallow,and the dislocation types all present reverse faulting,the strikes of the nodal plane and the fault near epicenter are consistent.Based on a lot of small earthquake focal mechanism solutions,the statistical results of nodal strike and P-axis direction in region B are relatively disperse than the results of region A.Compared with the existing results of regional stress field in the southeast of Sichuan Province,the stress field disturbance of region B is bigger than the result of region A.Under the action of a unified stress field,the nodal and P-axis direction of focal mechanism solutions and stress field in region A and B present difference,which have a certain relationship with injection pressure of Jia 33 well.
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