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Based on geographic distributions of pre-Qin sites in Northern Shandong and the excavation and survey of Guojingzi shell-ridge,three ancient coastlines of 6.5~5.0kaB.P.,4.5~4.0kaB.P.,and 3.4~2.1kaB.P.can be defined.These coastlines roughly paralleled to modern coastline,and their ages became gradually younger from south to north.They represent the history of the Holocene transgression and regressions.The XRF and XRD analysis data of the inside deposits of the halmet-shaped potteries unearthed from the Dahuangbeiyang Site indicate that those halmet-shaped potteries should be vessels used during sea-salt production.The concentrated distribution area of those halmet-shaped potteries unearthed have implied that local residents began to produce sea-salt at coast area during 6.5~4.0kaB.P.and began to exploit bittern to produce sea-salt during 3.4~2.1kaB.P.,effectively adapt themselves to environment changes.The present analysis offers a new angle of view to study the man-nature relationship evolution during the Holocene in Northern Shandong.
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