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Although there have been several published papers discussing customs concerned with abandoned houses in prehistoric China,the problem of how to recognize ritual behaviors among the re- mains of houses is still unsettled in field work.The present paper focuses on indoor burial,the most common custom with abandoned houses in prehistoric China.Based on the published data of the Lajia site,especially the quantity,position and completeness of the human skeletons and pottery vessels found on the floors of houses,the author argues that the dead may have been intentionally put on the floors be- fore the residents left their settlement rather than were killed by the collapse of houses in an earthquake. Moreover,he points out that indoor burial may have widely prevailed in the territory of Qijia culture.
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    (19) 注⑦ 简报文字中说 F4内有敛口瓮1件,而图三中14、 15两件器物均标为敛口瓮,放置玉璧和骨器的是哪件未标明,两件瓮均较完整。
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