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     2 .中学生父母教养方式、人格、价值观、社会责任心存在家庭来源的差异。父母教养方式方面,农村父母的积极教养方式多一些,而旗县和城市父母的消极教养方式多一些;人格方面,农村中学生的意志、耐挫折和责任好于旗县和城市的中学生;价值观方面,农村学生比旗县和城市学生更加踏实,而旗县和城市的中学生则比农村的中学生更加功利和冷漠。社会责任心方面,农村来源的中学生社会责任心水平高于旗县和城市来源的学生;
The foreign researches on social responsibility have sprung up in the early 1950s, foreign researchers have studied the concept, structure and influencing factors of social responsibility, and developed some measuring questionnaires of social responsibility. While domestic researches are not mature, just staying at connotation exploratory discussion in social responsibility, the researches on the influential factors of social responsibility are rarely known.
     Social responsibility is the reasonable cognition and evaluation of the responsibilities in the public lives for the social individuals, and it is an individuality psychological trait embodying in the sensibilities and behaviors. The level of civil social responsibility is an important guarantee for a country to develop and flourish. As the undertakers and constructors of the future society, the middle school students’social responsibility will directly affect the future of country. Therefore, the discussion of the influential factors in social responsibilities for the middle school students can not only enrich the social responsibility theory, but also have the important realistic meaning for their social responsibility education.
     This research used the questionnaire,and selected 1030 middle school students as the subjects, and investigated them from the aspects of parenting style, personality, value and social responsibility, and probed the relationship between social responsibility and the parenting style, the personality and the value. The conclusion as follows:
     1. Social responsibility and the parenting style of the middle school students have significant difference in gender. Female students are higher in social responsibility than the male students; while the male students’parenting style scores are obviously higher than the scores of female students in punishment, severity, over-interference, refusal, denial and over-protection.
     2. Parenting style, personality, the social responsibility and value of the middle school students have the family origin difference. In the aspect of parenting style, the parents from rural areas use more positive parenting styles, while the parents from counties and cities use more negative parenting style. In personality, the will, frustration tolerance and responsibility of the rural students are better than the ones from counties and cities. In the aspect of the value, the rural students are surer than those from counties and cities, and urban students are more realistic and indifferent. In the aspect of Social responsibility, rural students are better than the ones from counties and cities.
     3. The parenting styles of different vocational parents have the significant difference. Peasant parents have more positive parenting style than the intellectual parents and cadre parents, the peasant parents give their children more emotional warmth and understanding, and less refusal, denial and severity.
     4. Parents using emotional warmth and understanding parenting styles can help middle school students improve social responsibility, they use some personality characteristics (inner tendency, outer tendency, responsibility and independence) to improve middle school students’responsibility level. Parents who use denial parenting style have bad effects on middle school students’responsibility level, which can decrease the middle school students’responsibility level.
     5. The sureness value can not only improve middle school students’responsibility level but also affect personality characteristics (inner tendency, outer tendency, responsibility and independence) to improve middle school students’responsibility level. Indifferent value has bad effects on personality characteristics (inner tendency, outer tendency, responsibility and independence) and decrease middle school students’responsibility level.
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