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Roads are the most important public outer space in cities. In the large extent, roads are not only the passages to connect two areas, but also the public stages in people’s life. Tourists watch and recognize cities along urban roads. Local residents are used to moving along roads and experiencing the environment around them.
     Landscape of urban road green space is the link between urban culture spots. It can contact the urban cultures and make them veins orderly. It’s both the important carries to show urban context characteristics and the symbol landscape of cities. In the last few years, our country set off an upsurge of road green space construction, and very good results have been achieved. But because of the wave of globalization, the western culture has given the construction of our cities a strong shock. As a result, the region cultural features disappear slowly, the context become intermittent and cities become more and more similar. All these make the problems serious increasingly.
     The problems this paper involved are also the problems most cities in China need equally face and nasty treat at present. We need to pursue the protection, rebirth and creations of the region context while we study and absorb the modern forerunner's culture overseas. Only melt these two cultures together, cities will maintain vigor and be sustainable. Therefore, we should design and construct the landscape of road green space that make cities’context continuous, and make full use of special space condition to restore inherent logic relation between road green space and local cities & regions. Beginning with the study of context continuation in landscape of urban road green space, this paper set forth the certainty of context continuation in landscape of urban road green space from two angles as continue the cities context and the landscape design of urban road green space. Through the way of theory summary, example analysis and design practice, author studied the constitute elements and carries of context continuation in landscape of urban road green space, got some helpful conclusion. It is in order to offer complete theory base for design later on.
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