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In Jan.2007,our country issued No. 1 document of central authorities, "Opinions on developing agricultural activtily and carrying forward the construction of new socialist countryside from the central committee of the Communist Part of China". It is the fourth document concerning countryside work since 2003,Which reflects the importance of "Three Rural Problems" .At present, the poor finance of countryside is one of the main factors of moderning the agriculture.
     The aim of this essay is to stimulate the disposing of the "Three Rural Problems" by deepening the reform ,creating systems and constructing the real system according to the characteristics of agriculture and countryside. In the research we mainly use such ways: the combination of concrete and standard analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis and precedent and entirety analysis from 1949 in order to inspect the historical reform and development of the finance system of countryside, and then we can analyze the present conditions of finance system of wuntryside and to point out the problems among it .Then we can use the experience of foreign countries and put forward the policy, based on which we can draw a conclusion: Our country should build up a countryside financial system with levels and competition as soon as possible; We should also combine different rural financial systems so that the complement each other .and to standardize the countryside finance as soon as possible; The market system of insurance of depositing and policy agriculture should also be built up in order to speed up the healthy finance development of countryside.
① 《中华人民共和国2006年国民经济与社会发展统计公报》
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