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Instead of human implement spray in the field, spraying robot has several benefits, such as improving the worker's operational environment, avoiding the risk of poisoning and elevating the work efficiency. The task environment of spraying robot is so complex that spraying robot can't finish all its work by itself in existence technical condition. So we should integrate it with human aptitude.
     This paper combined the specialty of spraying robot's task environment, built the spraying robot's wireless remote monitoring and control experimental system. This system adopted supervisory control mode, selected the UDP protocol for data transmission, designed the software platform of spraying robot's remote monitoring and control system based on Customer/Server's truss. This platform can help the manipulator to see the robot's working condition at the remote area by the technology of state feedback and visual feedback. For accomplishing the state feedback, this paper studied the method of sensors' information collection, completed sensor's precision demarcate, analyzed the influencing factors of measure precision, achieved the data's transmission wirelessly. For accomplishing the visual feedback, this paper studied the key technology of video's "collect-compress-send-receive-decompress-show", The author compared of the popular compressed encoding technology at present by experiment, selected the MJPEG compressed encoding mode to fit this remote control system. In addition the author designed the remote control command base on the principle of easy operation. Finally, this platform implements how real-time transmitted all kinds of data and control commands via Wireless LAN, The working circumstance and state of robot were recurred by the Client.
     This paper discussed the main questions about the spraying robot's remote monitoring and control system, we measured the main parameters by experiments, such as network availability, the accuracy distributing of data package and delay. Analyzed the influencing factor of distributing of data package and delay, then the robot's trail performance were tested. The results showed that the networks operate well at full capacity; the signal strength must beyond 30% to maintain good control effects. The manipulator can judge whether the robot deviated destined line by back feed information, and then offered effective rectifications. The article provided a method of reducing overlap or skips of spraying robot.
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