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This paper introduced the mechanism and therapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH), It discussed the clinic and pharmacological research of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs Semen Sinapis AIbae in treating BPH. This paper firstly elaborated the influence of Semen Sinapis Albae on the prostate cell morphology and the cell apoptosis of BPH in experimental mice. It supplied signify purport and applied cost for the exploitation of new traditional Chinese medicinal herbs in the treatment of BPH.
     This paper dealt with the extraction and content determination of four effective substances: sinapine, sinalbin,β-sitosterol and volatile, which extracted from Semen Sinapis Albae. The orthogonal test were applied to optimize the extraction of sinapine from Semen Sinapis Albae, and investigate the effect of microwave, ultrasonic—assisted extraction on the extraction efficiency of sinapine. The method of content determination of sinapine was also discussed in this paper.
     In pharmacological research, BPH animal model was built trough hypodermic inject testosterone propionate, intragastric administration for 21 days, prostatic weight index and prostatic volume index of every experimental mice were calculated. Prostatic paraffin section was made to performance HE Taining. To investigate the effect of four effective substances on the prostate cell morphology of BPH in experimental mice, prostate cell morphology was observed under light microscope. TUNEL、transmission electron microscopy and DNA agarose gel electrophoresis were applied to detect the influence of four effective substances on the apoptosis of the prostate cells in experimental mice. The correlation between the two was also explained in the paper. The results as follows: Four effective substances had a significant therapeutc effects on experimental mice with BPH. They can promote the apoptosis of the prostate cells and as a result, the volume and weight of the prostate of the mice were reduced.
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