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Because the nature protection area has abundant wild animals and plants resources and good natural ecosystem, it has become the important place for eco-tour. Primary task of construction of the nature protection area is the master plan, and appraise the properties of determining the nature protection area in view resource current situation closely related to master plan, a series of questions such as the division, development of eco-tour project, protection of view resource of the function district. At present, the nature protection area of our country build have certain quantity, have overall tight quality control, each department (the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Forestry, etc.) plans in the protection zone each, uneven in protecting the type, the generally not higher shortcomings of management level of protection zone. For this reason, management of the nature protection area of our country and building-up work should adhere to the basic principles of" unified planning, rational overall arrangement, comprehensive administration", strengthen the work of science and technology, improve the scientific management level of the protection zone. This text in carry on course of master plan to nature reserve, introduce geographical information system (GIS) technology, carry on technology create this text in carry on course of master plan to nature reserve, introduce geographical information system (GIS) technology, carry on the technological innovation in order to meet the needs of scientific development. New in order to meet the needs of scientific development.
     This text, through appraising and planning to carry on deep ground research in theory to the view resources in the nature protection area, analyze the current situation of planning of the nature protection area and development trend, follow the principles of the principle of sustainable development, ecological planning of the view, combine ecology theory of the view, ecological ethics theory and aesthstic theory of ecology, use GIS for reference in person who plan successful experience of field, planning of scenic spot and system of road, solve problems such as complicated geographical resource research, regional landscaping and decision blindness, etc, while planning of the nature protection area, technological means of further innovative planning of nature reserve. First of all, proceed with research object and research approach, analyse and research view resource appraising and planning and geographical information system of the nature protection area, have analyzed the advantage in the geographical information software is planned in the nature protection area, have established the solid theoretical foundation for appraising and planning the nature reserve scientifically. Finally, through the arrangement, analysis, inputting, dealing with to the initial data of nature reserve, set up GIS space database system. Regard breathing out one grade of the nature protection area of Chinese Huzhong as the example, pass the current situation and appraise, plan to analyze, and a series of planning drawings, explaining chart and characters, inquiring the analyticl system is as the planning achievement, show a set of planning methods with innovative consciousness.
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