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The spillover effect of foreign direct investment on the host country has been a hot issue in the field of economic research. This thesis analyzes electronic and communication device manufacturing which is an active industry in attracting foreign direct investment. At first, the paper reviews theories of spillover effect on the host country from foreign direct investment, and then analyzes the industry of electronic and communication device manufacturing. Then the paper researches into the effects on technology progress and innovation through econometric method.
     Empirical analysis suggests the following conclusions: (1) FDI has positive spillover effect on electronic and communication device manufacturing. Larger technology gap, more human capital and higher intensities of competition are conducive to the spillovers. Foreign enterprises produce spillovers through the channels of demonstration effect, turnover effect of human capital and competition effect. (2)In electronic and communication device manufacturing, the technology innovation of foreign enterprises accelerates the innovation of domestic enterprises. Scientific staff of domestic enterprises has little effect on technology innovation. The advantage of scientific staff has not been used properly. Capital is the main factor which affects the technology innovation of domestic enterprises. (3)The index of capital is higher than the index of scientific staff in the state-owned-enterprises, but the situation is the opposite in foreign enterprises. Both factors improve innovation in the enterprises of other ownerships. (4) Innovation in foreign enterprises improves innovation in domestic enterprises. However, State-owned-enterprises and enterprises of other ownerships restrain each other’s innovation, because the products of state-owned-enterprises are similar to the products of the enterprises of other ownerships, their products may replace each other. Innovation in domestic enterprises accelerates higher innovation in foreign enterprises.
     In the end, suggestions are made for the government and enterprises on improving the spillover effect in electronic and communication device manufacturing. The suggestions include improving human capital, developing intensive competition in the market, promoting the ability of domestic enterprises to absorb technology and to innovate, increase inputs in research and development and promoting technological cooperation.
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