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The quality of financial information disclosure effects the running efficiency of the stock market in great sense, but the quality issue of disclosing financial information in our listed companies is a main actor to impede the developing of our stock market,which and disturbs the development of our securities market. Many factors lead to this phenomenon, but the fundamental reason lying on the situation of current corporate governance. So this paper on the basis of corporate governance, studies the quality issue of disclosing financial information. This paper studies the influence of corporate governance in China on quality of financial information disclosure through both of empirical research and theoretical research, in order to propose good suggests for enhancing the quality of financial information disclosure and improving corporate governance.
     This paper consists of six chapters: Chapter 1 is Introduction; In Chapter 2, there is a summary about‘corporate governance’and‘financial information disclosure’; In Chapter 3, there is a mainly introduction about the current situation and the existing problems of financial information disclosure quality in present stage at first. Then based on the framework of the external and internal governance, it discusses the influence of corporate governance in China on quality of financial information disclosure through theoretical research analysis. Furthermore, it continues to analyze the deficiencies of corporate governance of listed companies in China and the corresponding effects on quality of financial information disclosure; In Chapter 4, with the listed companies of China from 2003 to 2005 as elementary samples, by means of descriptive statistic and multivariate linear regression, it takes advantage of empirical research to analyze and examine the influence of characteristic of the board of directors and characteristic of the board of supervisor in China on quality of financial information disclosure. In Chapter 5, it proposes many suggests for enhancing the quality of financial information disclosure and perfecting corporate governance based on results of empirical research and theoretical research. Chapter 6 is conclusion.
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