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     控制系统是基于PC机与MPC02运动控制卡进行了搭建,伺服系统为半闭环结构,同时采用安川(YASKAWA)交流伺服电机作为驱动元件。其中PC机用于完成上层管理功能,负责人机界面的管理和控制系统的实时监控方面的工作。MPC02运动控制卡作为下层运动控制器,用于完成运动控制的所有细节,如脉冲和方向的输出、自动升降速的处理、原点和限位等信号的检查等。由于净化机器人执行的是点对点的搬运操作,故交流伺服电机选用位置控制模式。同时,又以Windows 2000操作系统为开发和运行平台,采用功能强大的应用程序开发工具Visual C++6.0进行净化机器人软件系统的设计与开发。给出了软件系统用户层与控制层这两个模块的软件结构框图,并对控制层中直线运动模块、插补运动模块和“门”形运动模块的进行了研究与编写。
The intergrated circuit (i.e. IC) is the hard-core of the electron information industry, and one of the high technologies which accelerate the development of national economy and society information. The manufacturing equipments play the important role in IC industry. The clean robot, with responsibility for handling the wafer to shuttle among the different modules, is the key equipment of IC manufacturing. So, to research and develop the clean robot is very significant.
    Firstly, based on the existing achivements of research and development on the clean robot in the world, the paper indicates its important features and key technologies. Then, according to the requirements of the environment cleanliness and wafer transferring task, the configuration principles of the clean robot is introduced. And based on the comparison of two main configuration on the clean robot, the R-θ(cylindrical coordinate) robot is adopted.
    According to the above configuration, the robot mechanical body is designed. The radial rectilinear stretching motion is firstly analysed, and its condition is deduced. Then two planetary gear mechanisms are assembled to realize the motion. In addition, the kinematics and dynamics analysis of arm mechanism is done, which provide the theoretic basis for the selection of servomotor and for holding the good dynamics and static performance of the clean robot. Secondly, to meet the requirement of environment cleanliness, the equipments producing the dust particles are placed out of wafer environment. The belt transimission mechanism is used to transfer the power from the lower clean environment to higher clean environment, and to drive the arm. The layout of structure is the innovation of the paper.
    Based on PC and MPC02 motion control card, the open control system is conveniently formed. The half-closed loop servo system adopts the YASKAWA AC servomotor to act as the driving parts. The role of PC acting as the host supervisor is to communicate with system and carry out the real-time control through the user interface. MPC02 card is used as the substrate controller with responsibility for calculating the motion position of robot. Because of completing the wafer transferring task between any two points, the position control mode of servomotor is applied. In the meantime, using the Windows 2000 as the running platform and Visual C++ 6.0 as the development tool, the controlling software system is developed. The linear, interporlation and any two points movement modules' coding is researched.
    At last, the clean robot mechanism system has been assembled, and the control system was debugged. The results of debugging experiment proved that it is easy for the clean robot to perform high accuracy, high repeatability and high cleanliness operation.
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