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The robot technology has colligated the development fruits of many subjects. It represents the frontal of the high tech, and the application of it in human life has enlarged more and more . On the basis of the widely study on the actuality and the development trend of the robot technology, and the research on the present technology characteristics and existing problems of the robot controller, the author puts forward the control tactic and the design, and does the design and development of the hardware and the software of the control system .
    In the paper the robot mechanical structure, the locomotion parameters of the joints, the composing and traits of the robot system, and the structure and the theory of the robot control system are introduced . The robot control system is of two-rank control structure, the upper control computer (upper computer) and the servo controller (lower controller). The upper control computer realizes the monitor of the system, locomotion control arithmetic, and human-computer interaction. The servo controller is also divided into two parts, the locomotion controller with the DSP (PMAC) as the core and the servo drive controller. The servo controller combined with the upper computer software dose the interpolation operation and servo control of the three joints, and realizes the communication of the lower controller and the upper computer via the PCI data bus .The paper can be divided into two main parts. The first part is based on the principle analysis of the DSP locomotion controller. In this part the realizing method of the locomotion control and the PID parameter adjustment are introduced. The second part is mainly on the study and the deduction of the robot kinematics control arithmetic including the inverse kinematics and trajectory programming, and the software structure analysis of the lower controller. The running results indicate that this project has met the needs of the item of the robot control laboratory.
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