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After reviewing theories of FDI technology spillovers in host country, this thesisanalyzes FDI technology spillover effects on China's electronic and communicationdevice manufacturing through an empirical study, since it is one of the most activeindustries in attracting foreign direct investment in China. And the results show thatFDI in this industry has significant positive spillover effects on our domesticenterprises while R&D activity by foreign enterprises can not significantly enhancethe technical level of domestic firms within this industry. The latter is because on theone hand technologies used by subsidiaries of multinational corporations in China aregenerally not the most advanced;on the other hand, poor technology absorption andinnovation capabilities of local firms also restrain such technologies from beingtransferred into these subsidiaries since the multinational corporation has won theabsolute advantage in technology competition. Thus, the positive spillovers aremainly resulted from demonstration effects of advanced technologies and skilled laborturnovers, especially the transmission of advanced management mechanism and noveloperation ideas into domestic enterprises. In the end, policy suggestions on how tobetter utilize and expand FDI spillovers are presented against poor technologyabsorption of our domestic enterprises.
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