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With the development of modern computer technology and measuring technology, the reverse design and manufacture using the CAD/CAM technology and advanced manufacturing technology has become the hot point of research. Automotive panel, the critical part of automobile is one of the most significant determinants in the overall performance and image of the automobile. Automotive panel have to be equipped with such characteristics as thin materials, complex shapes, considerable physical dimensions as well as high-quality surface. Accordingly, in this paper, the theories and methods concerning the rapid original design and finite element analysis of automobile panel are studied in detail and depth.First of all, two respects of reverse engineering are introduced: measure and post-processing. Measure is the principle task of reverse engineering, that is, getting the scanned data of the engine cover by scanning automotive panel via non-contact three-dimensional laser scanner in order to reconstruct the subsequent models. Post-processing is the most pivotal and complex part of reverse engineering, including the handling of point data, surface fitting, reconstructing and border trimming. In this paper, the point cloud data gained by scanning are utilized to reconstruct the curved face. Then through several indispensable finite element stress-stain analysis of the model reconstructed, all the data concerning such characteristics as stress and strain can be gained. By analyzing the results, the original structure and materials of the part can be meliorated.Reverse engineering, a method of manufacturing products could gain the CAD model of the parts and moulds, enhance the efficiency of manufacturing the moulds, reduce mold-repair quantity, and diminish the cost of manufacturing moulds by the way of measuring those automobile automotive panel with standard quality. Therefore, this paper presents a new method of assimilating the outside technology to accelerate the development of national automobile industry.
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