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     采用面向对象的方法对系统的层次结构进行分析,根据模块化的思想把系统划分为显示层、数据层、业务层及存储层,各层之间采用统一接口的形式进行数据交换,从而保证了系统的稳定性与扩展性。应用企业级关系数据库系统Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为数据平台构建系统数据模型,采用面向对象的编程语言对系统的业务流程进行实现,采用ADO/OLE DB技术进行数据访问。最后,本文采用理论结合实践的研究方法,通过系统在实际例子中的应用对系统的有效性和适用性进行了验证,对解决方案进行了总结,从而证明了系统的先进性与实用性。
This paper derives from the research and development of detail research of structure scheme design, a sub project of the whole system. In this paper advanced design models are analyzed, and the structure characteristics of shaft system are integrated. The main functional item of shaft system is discussed.The feature propery is put forward to summarize a feature-based design model. The current situation of structure conceptual design and the existing problems are analyzed in this paper.The 14 feature items of rolling bearings are studied firstly,then the features of gear pair and shaft is abstracted.At the mean while,an reasonalble and extensible data structure is established to realize the storage of feature dataJn the feature-based design model, shaft system modules are adopted microcosmically to connect the functional concept and structural scheme, while calculate concept is employed macrocosmically to achieve the cooperation of the whole design process. The mathematic module is adopted in both single shaft and multi-shaft system to calculate the diversified shaft forms in different structure scheme.The 9 structure schemes of bevel gear pair is given out as an example.Thus according to related design module, the main flow chart of structure scheme design adapt to the real design is summarized. On the guidance of the thinking the computer aided structure scheme design system is developed and implemented. The system main flow model, data integration model, graphics building model, multi-structure scheme design module,rolling bearing design model and its sub system for detail design are constructed. These models guarantee the form of a multilayer design system contained the general structure design, data integrated in system on the base of the global design flow.Thus a fluent and user-friendly system is designed under the direction of the above description and theories.The system hierarchy model is analyzed by the Object-Oriented method. In order to enhance stability and expansibility, the system is divided to display layer, data layer, operation layer and storage layer. And it uses the interface to exchange data between these layers. The system data model is build based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database system. The applied software is programmed by Object-Oriented program language and ADO/OLE DB data accessing interface. At last, the system is implemented in the real example, and the practice of software in the example shows that the approaches of the paper are effective and practicable.
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