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Pollution Permits charge is the present most major environmental economic policy ofour country. But in the past 20 years, the total condition of the environment is still atworsening. Under this background, Marketable Pollution Permits system is brought to use.
    Marketable Pollution permits that is the government environmental protection sectionexhausts an upper limit and allotment this upper, this kind of right can be trading on themarket of system. It is a kind of to take the market mechanism as basal environment strategy.
    Start in 70's from the last century, American federal environmental protection bureau(EPA)'s try will line up dirty power bargain to used for the air pollution source and the waterpollution source management, already obtained unprecedented success, acquiring the hugeeconomic performance and social performance. later German、the Australia、British etc carryon the Pollution Permits. From 20th90s, our country also carried on a series experimental unitwork, obtaining good result. it is becoming the important means that the internationalcommunity resolves the pollution of the environment problem currently.
    According to the concept of the Marketable Pollution Permits and the truth of using theMarketable Pollution Permits, it has advantages. Marketable Pollution Permits both side;Canlower a social total pollution to manage expenses;Can promote the development of theenvironmental protection industry enough;Be advantageous to a new distribution of industryof formation;Be advantageous to a government to carry on a macro view to adjust to controlto the environment condition;Be advantageous to suppressing some environmental protectionsections to benefit oneself behavior;Be advantageous to the environmental protectionorganization and citizen expresses an own environment will.
    This text discussed Marketable Pollution Permits, which is trying meet lots ofdifficulties. Marketable Pollution Permits In our country also didn't have protection in law.As to Be a prior condition Marketable Pollution Permit's total amount really buy a certificateof savings in the difficulty. Marketable Pollution Permits Allotment is also a problem.Marketable Pollution Permits Have no mature Marketable Pollution Permits mechanism,place protection the doctrine severity the government working talent fixed position prohibit,having occurrence while going bad phenomenon. The environment of the our country takescharge of a system not sound, Marketable Pollution Permits bargain to lack a techniqueguarantee.
    Be a point, this text aims at to line up the predicament that Pollution Permits systemmeet, putting forward an establishment with perfect Pollution Permits system. for exertive thefunction of the Pollution Permits, we must do the following: Pass the government lawmaking,promulgate 《line up dirty power to trade the management regulation 》;To the bargainobject that Pollution Permits, trade a way and trade procedure etc. to confirm and guaranteethe contents;The macroscopic management of the exertive government function, the stricttotal amount control;The reasonable allotment beginning starts to line up dirty power, sinceinsure the business enterprise fair competition, and also we must consider of the peripheralcitizen benefits well who is stay around the pollution source;Grow to Pollution Permitsmarket well, promote to trade of active;Sound line up the direct management system that thedirty power trade, from the technique level for line up dirty power bargain to provide a
    guarantee.According to the analysis to the above-mentioned problem, we can see, establishment andperfect Marketable Pollution Permits is more complicated system engineering. FirstBeneficial experience that needs to be to flourishing nation in the United States and the otherin that realm on the other hand draws lessons from with the absorption;anther theexperiences of the Marketable Pollution Permits in our country evaluation and summary, andgive this system in the lawmaking explicit provision. Line up the dirty power trade the systemwill become our country environment management policy system necessarily in of animportant system.
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