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With the high-tech development of modern society, high-speed, fast-paced lifestyles have increasingly become necessary. Time become more valuable, people will become more unbearable for the queue of waiting. Thus,Before leaving through the internet or mobile phone inquiries about which bank outlets queuing is less, this is a better solution to such problems of the information society.
     System includes client, background and queuing simulator. First system simulates a queue machine in the bank outlet to send queuing data to the server background via a queue simulator. At server end, the system analyzes and process data via online analytical processing and data mining. A customer can log on our web server or use mobile phone, queue the outlets nearby on the electronic map to learn how many people are waiting in each outlet. In the meantime, a customer could input the time he would arrive. Then the system will give a reasonable forecast for future waiting people by history data and current data. At the same time, system can supply decision-making references for managers of bank. The system shows the number of customers by each outlet and each time segment in the form of chart and table to managers of bank according to the statistics of queuing people. The system can also forecast the trend of customer flux of each outlet by data mining. The decision-maker could refer the forecasting result to arrange bank outlets more reasonable.
     In the field of science and technology system is a concrete expression to the people-centered. First, system can satisfy the bank customer to inquiry the bank’s real-time business in order to arrange to which bank is for business. Secondly, the bank can understand the history of the outlet’s business and future forecast, and confirm arranging bank outlets and Staffing more reasonable.
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