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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a new problem in enterprise management theory foreland and got broad attention of numerous experts and scholars. Nowadays people approximately focus the CRM research on two points of view: management and information technology. From the management point of view, CRM came of the Relationship Marketing theory. Although there are all kinds of definition about CRM, the connotation of CRM is concentrated in this three aspects: the customer value, the customer relationship value and information technology.CRM not only does well in helping the enterprise management the customer relationship, but also form the core competence of it. The good relationship of the enterprise by implementing CRM system will become the important strategic resources, and this kind of strategic resource will become the key resource of the core competence. The implementing of CRM will bring new core competence for the enterprise.Since the reform and open policy implemented, Chinese retailing has made great progress by studying foreign experience and exert herself, and several large-scale enterprises are welled up. Along with the interim of China retailing' s entry into WTO is over, Chinese large-scaled retailing enterprises will face up ever stinging competitive environment, and the focus of the competition is customer. Compared with foreign retailing enterprises entered into China, many Chinese large-scaled retailing enterprises less competence.In recent years, with the rapid development of the information technology, CRM has been used in some Chinese large-scaled retailing enterprises, such as EDI and POS system. The usage of these systems have greatly advanced the sales level of Chinese large-scaled retailing enterprises, and made new retailing
    form such as supermarket gained greater strengths in competition. But the usage is remain simple and half-baked. To implement integrated and reasonable CRM project, Chinese large-scaled retailing enterprises will face up series of realistic problems, and also have more difficulties in implementing CRM.Although Chinese large-scaled retailing enterprises remain face up series of difficulties, faced up great market pressure, there are no other choices but to overcome these difficulties and make great efforts to seek CRM strategies fit itself.This paper use the customer value as masterstroke, and advance the core competence as respect, bring to bear strategic management and marketing theories, give priority to literature research, and make demonstration analysis as a complementarity, discuss some problems about CRM of Chinese large-scaled retailing enterprises, and proposed relevant implement measure. Under the new background of full-scale opening up of Chinese retailing, this paper has definite realistic signification.
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