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Shareholder as investor of company , can protect have and foundation that develop rights and interests its company. But in our country, protection in stockholder's equity have analogous to to deficient degree, especially the minority stock holder's rights and interests are protected. Maintain listed company rights and interests of minority stock holder play an important role to of our country healthy, stable development of security market. As hold share volume than little and number of people very scattered it is difficult for minority stock holder to participate in company control individually, it is their only choice to vote with the foot, but the concentration because of the stock right, this kind of method plays a role in restraining the administrator and big shareholder at all. Listed company big shareholder utilize control on listed company status , is it make decision of minority stock holder in unfavorable toing to have an opportunity in the management and administration in company, make the rights and interests of hitting the minority stock holder damaged . So, the minority stock holder's legitimate rights and interests have already become a hot question on the present security market of our country while protecting.This text has been explained to authors to research and thinking protecting the stockholder's equity problem of listed company in detail , and in draw lessons from others study thinking and about achievement foundation put forward one's own systematization solve the thinking and scheme. This text introduce stockholder's equity theory knowledge, protection of respect in detail, explain the current situation in protecting the stockholder's equity of listed company of our country at present, analysis diversified to the reason, end and propose some about how about protect a great deal of ways and policy suggestions of the stockholder's equity on the basis of drawing lessons from external stockholder's equity and protecting the mechanism.The stock right divides and puts the omni-directional development at present of the reform, one of state-owned stock alone heavy and stock right question left over from history put to divide solve, this writes a historical one in order to improve the administration structure of listed company of our country too.
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