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As environment changes faster and faster, more and more attentions have been paid to project by organizations, because it is one of the ways that organizations respond the changes of the environment. But the status quo of the project development is not optimistic. High mortality exists among projects. The workforce capability of project is low. At the same time, the study of project team is very deficient, which is one of important factors that affect the workforce capability of project. According to this state, this paper has studied what project team can support the workforce capability of its project and has given the resolve of this problem by evaluating the equipoise of project team.Four parts are there in this paper:Part one has made clear the purpose and meaning of this paper, which is delving resolve of the low workforce capability of project by studying project team, by analysis of the development and research of project and has made clear the ways that this paper settle this problem, which is studying the evaluation of the equipoise of the project team, by analysis of the documents of project team.Part two is the important part of this paper. Four aspects are there in this part: first, this part has researched how to evaluate the consistency equipoise of project team — the consistency equipoise of the thinking ability and learning ability of project team by utilizing HBDI model, LSI model and 4 quadrant model of learning ability and has discussed the feasibility and scientificity of this evaluation; second, this part has researched how to evaluate the interaction equipoise of project team — the interaction equipoise of the action ability and interpersonal relations of project team by utilizing MAST model and FIRO model and has discussed the feasibility and scientificity of this evaluation; third, this part has researched the measurement of the consistency equipoise of project team, the interaction equipoise of project team and the general equipoise of project team by utilizing many mathematics methods, statistic methods and evaluation methods and has completed the integrated system to evaluate the equipoise of project team.
    Part three has discussed the application of the system to evaluate the equipoise of project team intuitively and concretely, which has been built in this paper, in a case of a development project of a software organization and has proved the scientificity and practical meaning of this system.Part four has summarized the total paper and has pointed out the innovation and the weak point of this paper.
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