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Objective To study the effect of bio-inductive effects of inorganic induced elements on osteogenitor cell near the postoperative jaw defects ,we isolate and culture osteoblasts from cancellous bone near the postoperative jaw defects and co-combine with cultured inorganic induced elements in vitro.
     Methods By modified tissue explants-attached method,we can succeed to Isolate and culture osteoblasts. Alkaline pHospHatase (AKP) activity was determined by azo dye method,calcification nodule formed was observed by Alizarin Red S,the cell ultrastructure was identified by electron microscopy and the growth cycle was evaluated with flow cytometer.Then inorganic induced elements co-combined with cultured osteoblasts in vitro. The morpHological cytoskeleton characters,cell proliferation,mitotic cycle and DNA index were detected.
     Results We found that Alkaline pHospHatase activity and Alizarin Red S was strongly positive. These cells possess good secreting characteristics. The cell cycle and pHysiological characteristics did not significantly change after co-cultured 14 days.
     Conclusion Cancellous bone near the postoperative jaw defects contain a lot of osteogenitor cells which have osteogenic potential.The inorganic induced elements scaffold material has good cellular compatibility. So it is possible to achieve the tissue engineering bone which possesses three-dimensional stereoscopic structure by co-culturing them.
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