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    在对激光针灸的产生和发展历史、现状及存在问题的介绍之后,本文探讨了激光针灸的生物效应,针对目前市场上存在的几种光疗仪器进行了深入研究,在传统中医理论和现代动态、深层刺激理论基础上,采用混沌方法对灸疗信号进行占空比调节,实现了传统灸法包括补泻手法,最终完成软、硬件部分的设计和实现。概括起来讲,首先是对几种典型的红外医疗仪和可见光治疗仪进行工作光谱的测试及机理研究,应用三套结构和原理基本相同、而测试光谱波段不同的高灵敏度光栅光谱仪完成光谱测试。在半导体激光器散热装置的特别制作及工作驱动电路的设计基础上,完成半导体激光器发光功率的测试,然后引入混沌数学模型方法来产生确定性的类随机信号,在 MSP430 单片机硬件电路设计的基础上,应用单片机 C语言进行程序设计并在线调试,实现传统灸法的动态刺激效果,采用混沌序列占空比信号消除人体适应性,调整和控制输出占空比的改变以达到灸疗的补泻手法的实现,最后对不同控制占空比情况下激光器输出的平均功率进行测试,完成工作波形的采集。
The research and development of the modern acupuncture therapeutic instruments have stepped in a developmental and associated way of modern technology stage by stage. Especially intelligent instruments with perfect performance and great functions are the important association of both modern instruments technologies and the traditional acupuncture theories and experiences, which are based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and combined with computers, micro-electronics and laser technologies. The laser acupuncture instrument in this paper is based on single chip and associated by semiconductor laser technology, which is superior to traditional acupuncture and has many excellences like low cost、smart application and convenient operation with some shortcoming recuperated like large capacity and weight. It also covers the shortages of continuous irradiation or that of simple disciplinary stimulate signal which is controlled by some simple electronic circuit can be easily adapted to. And the realization of reinforcing and reducing of moxibustion is a technological innovation in traditional moxibustion coming true in engineering.
    This paper discusses the biologic effect of laser acupuncture, tests the spectra and researches into the mechanism about several kinds of light therapeutic instruments sold in market, after the generation and development history, actualities and subsistent problems of laser acupuncture are introduced. Traditional moxibustion including reinforcing and reducing is implemented by applying chaos method to control the duty cycle of moxibustion signal, which is based on the traditional Chinese medicine and modern dynamic deep level stimulating theories, and software and hardware are designed at the end. In sum, this paper chooses several representative infrared and visible light therapeutic instruments to test their spectra and researches into the mechanism by using
    three precision spectrophotometers which are the same in structure and fundamental, but different in wave band. The luminescence power of semiconductor laser diode is tested after the radiator element of laser diode is made and the drive circuit is designed. Then, chaos mathematic model is introduced to produce deterministic class stochastic signal and C langrage program, which is based on the hardware circuit design of MSP430, is designed and on-line debugged to implement the dynamic stimulation effect and avoid the body adaptability with the duty cycle of chaos sequence. The duty cycle is adjusted and controlled to accomplish the reinforcing and reducing in moxibustion. At last, Average power of laser diode is tested under the conditions of different duty cycles and the waveforms are collected by applying virtual instrument.
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