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Tianjin Teda citizen culture square, covering 180,000m2 architectural area, is a complex modern building. It is composed of hotels, shops, restaurants and entertainment buildings. Of those,a glass curtain wall and steel structure, together with six gigantic cable-membrane structures for its decorations above it, is designed and introduced in the paper.
    During the schematic design of the curtain wall and steel structure, six available plans are put forward for, each having different structural forms with different load transitive path. By synthetic analysis and comparison, the sixth one is considered as the best glass curtain wall and steel structure plan. This selected structure system is more rational in performance and the glass curtain wall is easy to maintain.
    The main loads considered in the analysis of glass curtain wall include live load, dead load, wind, temperature and seismic load. In the process of the shop drawing design, the glass curtain wall and steel structure are computed and analyzed associated with 24 load cases.
    A pre-stress tension bar truss is selected for supporting glass curtain wall. Geometrical nonlinear analysis and 12 load cases are involved in the design. The risk load case is found from the computed results. In additional, the load-carrying capacity and stiffness of the tension bar truss under self-weight and wind load were investigated theoretically by changing pre-stress value and section tension bar area. A balance between pre-stress value and section area of tension bar is found. The cable-membrane structure above the glass curtain wall is also analyzed.
    In the design of the curtain wall and steel structure, the connection and joints of trusses and supporting columns, longitudinal thermal slot of trusses and tension bar trusses, are also presented and discussed.
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