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给予发展中国家一定的优惠待遇,其历史可以追溯到 GATT 建立之初。东京回
    发展中国家特殊和差别待遇(以下简称 “差别待遇”)在形式上演化为一个庞杂的
    能的变化实际上具有了过渡性和一种象征性。而且,不管是最初的第 18 条还是乌
    发展中国家和发达国家之间发展的不平衡和“差别待遇”制度与 GATT/WTO 契
    别待遇的产生、演进及发展趋势;中篇是对 WTO 体制下相关“条款”的解读、评价;
The history of giving some special treatments to the developing country can
    retrospect to the early age of the GATT. After the Tokyo Round, giving the special and
    preferential treatment to developing country set up as a principle. During the Uruguay
    Round, the Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Country Members (S&D)
    evolved to a complicated system and embodied in the provisions of nearly every
    agreements of the Final Act. But during the Uruguay Round, the S&D continued the
    trend of the Tokyo Round and developed from a special right which had focused on the
    protection of preferential market access and the balance of payment to a system
    characterized by a wide range of delays, technical assistances, exemptions of certain
    commitments etc; while in nature, it evolved from an engine of offering the opportunities
    of trade development to an instrument of involving more developing countries into the
    multilateral trade regime and fulfill their commitments. All in all, after the Uruguay
    Round, the S&D has a characteristic of transitionalism and symbolism due to its changed
    function. Besides, from the first preferential provision Article 18 to the S&D, the
    provisions’ ambiguity and character of best effort has never changed.
     The imbalances between the developing countries and the developed countries and the
    conflict of the S&D and the contract nature of the GATT/WTO determined the
    provisions’ titular in name but not in reality. Although in appearance it evolved into a
    complicated system, its symbolic nature is obvious. The inconsistence of the appearance
    and the nature reflects the differences and compromises of views of South and North.
     In the process of China’s entering into the GATT/WTO, many western developed
    countries tried to place obstacles in the road in order to lift up the threshold of the
    entrance so as to deprive China of the right of using the S&D though denying her of
    developing country statue. Although China fundamentally realized her intention of
    entering into the GATT/WTO as a developing country, she had to concede in certain
    conditions for several reasons. Consequently China cannot avoid some obstacles when
    using the provisions of the S&D in the fields of Agriculture, Textiles and clothing,
    safeguards and Anti-dumping etc. Since the deficiencies of the S&D partly offset the
    negative aspects of the concession, the bad influence of the consequence can be further
    diminished provide that China use the rules properly.
     The paper is divided into three chapters: the first chapter discusses the history of the
    S&D; the second explains and evaluates the provisions of the S&D; the third relates the
    obstacles which were placed before China when she insisted her developing country
    statue during the processes of entering into the GATT/WTO and the effort China exerted
    to safeguard her right. The paper also attempted to give some advice on counter-measure
    refer to the obstacles.
     The developing countries in the Uruguay Round are divided into two categories, that is
    the developing countries and the least developed countries (LDCs). Since the latter have
    a little influence on the liberalizations, the S&D exempts some substantial commitments
    of them. So the paper omits the discussion of the provisions, which only apply to the
    LDCs. So the developing countries in the paper only refer to those who are not the LDCs.
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