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In order to satisfy the current society's demands for practical and innovative talents, Educational Technology major offers a series of practical courses including Graphic Design, which to some extent helps the development of students'image-processing capability. However, restrained by conventional teaching approaches and concepts, teaching effect is limited to the use of operating tool, and students are incapable of applying knowledge comprehensively. Inquiry learning requires students to independently select content from real situations to make a through inquiry under the guidance of teachers, which is considered effective to solve the above-mentioned problem. By means of Action Research Method, the current paper formulates a specific plan for Graphic Design teaching based on inquiry learning. Furthermore, it is proved that inquiry learning, applied to Graphic Design teaching, can promote both practical and innovation ability in college students.
     The present paper consists of five parts.
     In the first part, the research question is introduced, which is followed by the presentation of the connotation of inquiry learning, the current research situation and research significance.
     In the second part, the paper expounds the basis for applying inquiry learning to Graphic Design in theory, student, course and technology.
     In the third part, the starting point of learning is designed based on the analysis of the characteristics of the generation after 1990s, the courses they have learned, their study motivation, and study style. Secondly, learning content is designed, mainly including Elementary Operation, Drawing and Editing of Images, Selection, Layer, Image Color Control, Path, Channels and Masks, Filter, Integrated Application, and inquiry content is also designed for class and after class. Thirdly, learning objectives in Transparency and application of Photoshop are established from the perspective of knowledge and skill, course and method, emotion and attitude. Fourthly, learning strategy is designed in three aspects:question situation establishment, learning organization form design and the learning process design. Then, Photoshop learning environment is analyzed and learning resources are designed in accordance with teaching material and teaching location. At last, assessment index is designed from several perspectives, such as assessment body and assessment content, and so on and so forth.
     In the fourth part, it focuses on the practice and introspection of Graphic Design course based on inquiry learning, and the analysis of teaching effect according to questionnaire survey results.
     In the last part, comments are made on originality and deficiency of the paper, followed by discussion about how to more effectively apply inquiry learning to Graphic Design course.
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