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Enquiry and action research methods are two basic research methods applied in the thesis. Based on the analysis of learner, learning needs, learners’motivation, a model integrated with systematic educational design theories and intrinsic motivation model is created for the teaching practice in oral English course for adult learners.
     First, analysis on the adult learners is carried out to find the characteristics of adult learners. It is analyzed that the adult learners are of learners with a specific learning desire, independence, wishing to take actively part in the decision process of their own study. From the analysis of learning needs of adult learners, it is found that the adult learners are interested in the materials from real life. They want to enhance their language ability to communicate in a real situation. So the material for presenting in the class should be challenging and interesting.
     Based on the findings for front-end analysis, teaching strategies are designed with the help of intrinsic motivation model: Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching to establish motivation stimulating conditions among adult learners. The four conditions to be aimed at in this research is to : 1. establish inclusion among learners by foster respect and connectedness; 2. develop a positive attitude by provide learners opportunity to make choice related to their interest; 3. enhance meaning with challenging learning which can engage learners; 4. provide authentic tasks for learners to help learners to experience their competence and effectiveness.
     Conclusion: systematic education design integrated with Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching model is an effective way to help educators to improve the effectiveness of adult learners.
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