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At present, China is in transition from traditional to modern critical period.30 years of reform and opening up, China mainly relies on economic reform only realizes development rapidly. The scientific thought of development proved that the transition model has been increasingly difficult dimension, it is difficult long-term support from the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. From a longer historical perspective, The scientific thought of development is still largely confined to the field of economic reform, promote the difficulty of their proof is not timely to promote political reform, institutional reform, to resolve obstacles to scientific development can not be fully play the role of. How to make China's development mode shift from economic dependence on the system for the release of the political advantages of democracy "system of economic restructuring aid" approach, is the urgent issues of development strategy. Only the introduction of democratic politics, to make reform and opening up "post totalitarianism" political system of checks and balances and oversight mechanisms of congenital absence of defects. To establish a "democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision,"the sound system, functional health of the modern political civilization. Democratic members of the Community procedures and rules generally accepted as the basis, peaceful settlement of conflicts of interest, making the pursuit of the interests of all stakeholders to actively conduct the ongoing process of institutional arrangements and actual behavior.
     Paper is divided into five parts. From the analysis of the first part of the "democratic national strength and prosperity of start, explained the origin of the Thesis and significance. Motive power of democracy is not simply one-dimensional development of political civilization issues, it also shoulders the escort for the sustainable economic development, social harmony and stability for the long-term lay the foundation for the culture specified course of the task. Precisely because of this, the paper talked about "democracy" is not only a form of state system, but also a social form of life and the general public. In this part of the last section also describes the benefits of research methods and this approach may face difficulties.
     The second part from the West, both summarizes the current domestic political impetus to the development of democratic mechanisms of the status quo. Described in Section III the significance of this study: help develop a democratic consensus, help to make democracy "take root."
     The third part is the core component. In this part of the first to make a point:the interests of drivers is the fundamental driving force of democratic political development. They then compared the reform and opening up before and after changes in the structure of interests, the interests of trying to change from the perspective of the social reality of why the combination of division and conflict of interest will be birth to the voice of democratic politics. Also, because the increased differentiation between rich and poor, people also hope that the ballot boxes by the majority of checks and balances of democratic political rights of minorities to huge economic wealth, the usurpation of their own economic interests, the interests expressed through the election agent to compensate for the desire. And also because after the totalitarian political system of checks and balances and oversight mechanisms are not sound institutional inertia, the inevitable interest-driven foreign power into the fundamental crisis driven. Driven by interests outside the transition into the crisis posed to promote the democratic development of China's basic motivation.
     The fourth part of the main components-the elite, local government and three levels of public life and political development of democratic political forces in the interaction under the motive. Development of democratic politics, from the process point of view, is the leading elite, the local government to implement the process. But the process is inseparable from the development of civic maturity of public life. Democratic political force, although the origin of conflict of interest in the private domain, but its completion is an obvious form of public nature. Organic democracy development depends on the gradual improvement of the field of public life. Did not lead the public life, such as promoting the elite rootless Ping, not long and easy to fall for the "Democratic money."
     Part V of the perspective shift from a domestic perspective to an international perspective. "National interest-the country's democratic image" driven by the interaction between the improvement of democratic governance is the development of a democratic politics is momentum. The ruling party should learn to gracefully handle this interaction, a model of the external pressure as the driving force, a timely initiative to promote the development of democratic politics.
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