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纯色山鹪莺(Prinia inornata)和黄腹山鹪莺(P.flaviventris)稳定的配偶关系限制雄性欺骗者
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纯色山鹪莺(Prinia inornata)和黄腹山鹪莺(P.flaviventris)同属于雀形目(Passeriformes)扇尾莺科(Cisticolidae),是一对在形态上和生态上都十分相似的近缘种,均为雌雄单态性的单配偶制物种,在华南地区同域分布,两者间的现实生态位有较大的重叠。两种鹪莺都具有尾羽的逆向变化,即繁殖羽尾羽短于其冬羽尾羽。这种繁殖季节性特征消退的奇特身体特征变化模式,不同于其他由性选择和自然选择促使尾羽夸张性延长的鸟类物种,似乎与雌性青睐理论相矛盾,而这个特点也可能意味着该物种具有一种未知的新的生存策略。
Plait prinia (Prinia inornata) and yellow-bellied prinia (P. flaviventris), subj ected to Passeriformes Cisticolidae, are the relative species in modality and zoology. Both of them are monomorphic and monogamous species. The tails of this two prinias have a converse change compared with other species, which in breeding season are shorter than winter. This peculiar pattern is different from the species which get exaggerate long tails for the result of sexual selection and natural selection. It seems that this pattern is conflicted with Sexual selection model, but it may reveal a new survival strategy.
     In order to explain how this peculiar pattern influences breeding strategy, we studied at Nansha district Guangzhou for about one year. The main research and results are as follow: Handicapping male-cheaters by stable mate relationship in plait prinia and
     yellow-bellied prinia
     By mate-choice cage tests on both of species to test whether Handicapping male-cheaters by stable mate relationship, we found that:
     1) Females preferred their mate males, and this preference would be more intensity with increase of the breeding time.
     2) Mate males would do more sexual display and threaten display than extra-pair males.
     Hence, we concluded that stable mate relation in species whose sexual traits are lost in breeding season could handicap the existence of male-cheaters. We conjectured that breeding investment and competition between females might be the main reason for stale mate relationship.
     The bird community structure in the reserve was complicated and many species were rare. In this area,141 species were recorded from 2009 to 2010. Among them, 12 were national protect species, and 16 species were Guangdong protection birds.
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