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     本文根据国外权威数据库Web of science和EBSCO,获取全面规范的文献主题词,并对这些主题词进行共词分析、因子分析、聚类分析、多维尺度分析和战略坐标分析,最终将图书情报学领域划分为11个研究大类,包括医学信息学,电子资源,信息计量学与出版,网络资源与医学图书馆,图书馆系统,数字图书馆,计算机技术与管理,教育与信息素养,网络信息资源,信息行为与信息共享,信息管理与信息系统理论。并结合战略坐标图,将以上研究结构划分为核心且成熟、核心非成熟、非核心但成熟、以及非核心且非成熟,以界定各大类在学科中的地位和作用。
The development of Scientometrics and visualization drives the research of Knowledge Mapping, which has a wide application in education, technology, intelligence structure analysis and social issues. Knowledge Mapping is a kind of knowledge management method, it is a particularly useful way to analyze the structure of a certain discipline or a subject. According to the related theories and statistical methods, this paper analyzes the current situation in the field of Library and Information Science(LIS) from 2005 to 2010, and conducts a study to visualize the researches, the priorities, the hot spots as well as the future development trend in the field of LIS.
     The following are the main methods used in this paper: Literature Survey and Summary, by which this paper gives a comprehensive view of Scientometrics and Knowledge Mapping at home and aboard; Statistical analysis, by which this paper conducts factor analysis, cluster analysis and multidimensional scale analysis using the SPSS software; Comparison and Comprehensive analysis, by which this paper figures out the appropriate database, journals and more important categories; Empirical study, by which this paper analyzes a certain discipline–Library and Information Science, and constructs a knowledge map for LIS.
     Combining Web of Science and EBSCO, this study obtains a huge number of authoritative and comprehensive LIS subject terms from the database, and then divides the researches of LIS into 11 categories, including Medical Informatics, Electronic Resources, Informatics and Publishing, Network Resources and Medical Libraries, Library system, Digital libraries, Computer Technology and Management, Education and Information Literacy, Network Resources, Information Behavior and Information Sharing, Theories of Information Management and Information Systems. With the help of Strategic Diagram, this study also divides the 11 categories into four quadrants which stand for different roles and effects in the field of LIS.
     According to the overall analysis and separate analysis of subject terms, the paper concludes that: Over the past 6 years, LIS research can be divided into 11 categories; From the overall point of view, the focuses of LIS research are concentrated on Libraries entities, Information Resources and Management & Technology theories; As for the development trend of LIS, the current researches are concentrating more and more on networks and digital technologies, which are playing an more important role in LIS; Furthermore, many new research themes, such as E-Commerce, Open Source Software, Library Education, Research Libraries, Intellectual Property and so on, make LIS more sophisticated, systematical and integrated.
     In this paper, we construct a knowledge map for LIS through statistical methods, and elaborate the development situations for it, which have a significant effect for us to understand the current status and the future trends. At present, there are many researches focused on libraries, information resources and information theories, and the studies will concentrate more and more on technology as well as services, therefore, LIS research will combine more disciplines, and form a more and more integrated system.
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