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Humanism is believed to be the core teaching methodology because it could blend together the factors of students' emotions toward learning and strategies about learning, and could maximise the chances of students to be engaged into the classroom activities. It could also lead the students to the solutions to the problems in the learning process and to the successful goals. Professor, Liu Runqing (2000) suggests once that the final answers to the questions depend on the students' process of self-learning and discussion with others. However, in the contemparary English classroom, teaching activities are marked with fewer human characteristics. Take China's oral English teaching for example, the common procedure is to observe, to mimick, and to produce. Honestly speaking, in this fashion, students still memorize the phrases and sentence patterns, which are selected by humanely considerations, and communicate with others with these rote-learnt input. Students can't feel any moment of being motivated or stimulated. The teaching theory is disfigured by the contradictory teaching practice. Language is creative, not something to be attained by mechanical copies of language fragments of others. Chomsky believes that the diversity of language results from the nature of creativity of human beings when producing language. How to motivate students to learn language in the guidance of humanism and to observe what language is?
     The linguistic and philosophical masters in the west such as Chomsky, Pinker, A.P. Martinich, and Carruthers have been discussing the concept of language for centuries. Meanwhile, the main idea about this puzzle has been fixed, that is, language is used to express thoughts. Carruthers (1998) pointed out that language is used for expression of thoughts. So why do students in spoken English class have to memorize the patterns selected by teachers? The teaching method like this can't free students from depressions for not being allowed to be active in class, and razes the creative nature of students. As a result, could spoken English teachers motivate students to feel what language means, that is, a reproduction of thoughts? This thesis dances around this dilemma later in the detail.
     Added the imaginative teaching method to the spoken English class, teachers will ultimately motivate students to learn English speaking, and try to fulfill the learners' communicative goal. The subjects of the study were divided into two groups, who were students of Liaoning University of International Business and Economics. A half-and-three-month study conducted to show the feasibility of applying imaginative teaching option into English speaking class by comparison of imaginative teaching option with the traditional teaching method. To prove the validity of the study, a multi-method is adopted, including pre-test and pro-test, after-class interviews, class observation, and face-to-face talks with students. The three questions designed to be answered in the thesis are: (1) does imaginative teaching approach improve learners' spoken ability? (2) why can the imaginative teaching approach improve learners' spoken ability? (3) how should this teaching model be presented in the class?
     Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis, this thesis testify the truth that imaginative teaching approach could enhance the emotional factors of learners in the learning process and attract the learners to be engaged into the classroom activities. This teaching strategy convinces every English spoken teachers of its validity of application to the classroom, and amazes the students with a sign of approving relief. Also embedded in this thesis are some suggestions on imaginative teaching approach.
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