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As the incidence of mental illness has been gradually increasing, mental illness has been taking more and more attention. As a major domestic institution of mental illness’treatment, psychiatric hospital’s architectural design is very little researched in this field.
     This paper argued mental health center’s architectural design in three parts. Which are the interpretation of mental health center, site selection and the overall graphic design, and the research of inpatient apartment’s architectural design.
     In the interpretation part, this paper introduced the development history of mental health center, the domestic development status of mental health center, and its predicted trends. At the same time, this paper also introduced several theories that used for analysis, such as environmental psychology, chromatology, etc. In the site selection and the overall graphic design part, this paper claimed the principles of mental health center locate and focal point of overall graphic design and the model of layout of the design features. Afterwards, this paper describes features of the external space environment’s design, such as its activities, principles, security, and venues design. Lastly, this paper elaborated mental health centers construction land targets and indicators of building area of the mental health center. With a hope that this could make the patients adapt the external space and environment, fulfill patients’psychological and physical needs, and to achieve a better effect of treatment and rehabilitation.
     In the part of inpatient department’s design countermeasures, firstly, this paper overviewed its composition and size. And then, take focus on the nursing unit design. Clarified how to zoning the nursing unit's by functions, and its principles and composition. After that, this paper analyzed and summarized the common plan form of nursing unit in mental health center. And then the nursing unit design in different nursing areas. Including the severe acute wards, general ward, rehabilitations ward. And in the last part, based on color theory, this paper studied the environment design and security design of the psychiatric wards. With a view to create a healthy internal environment to adapt different physiological needs of patients, and to achieve a better effect of treatment and rehabilitation.
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