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     人工神经网络(ANN)因其优越性能而广泛地应用于各个学科的研究领域。其中以BP网络(Back-Propagation Neural Network)的应用技术最为显著,它超强的非线性映射能力能够逼近任意函数,为解决非线性问题提供了有力的途径,可以模拟复杂的非线性动态系统或过程,实现系统的模式识别等。它能够从不同角度对不同的路面性能对象、应用不同的方法建立相应的预估模型,在一定程度上克服了传统方法的固有缺陷,能够较为客观地反映路面使用性能衰减规律。
The traditional experience still plays an important role in highway maintenance management in our country. The old performance prediction model are clear and simple, but with low accuracy and limitations, maintenance decision-making will be blindness and one-sided. As the pavement performance of many important roads has been attenuated to a low ebb, Pavement Management System based on the traditional models need to be improved in order to adapt to modern society's transport needs. With the development of road detection technology, pavement performance data has accumulated to a certain extent. It is possible to develop a pavement performance prediction system which uses a huge amount of data and considers a variety of factors. With the development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology, artificial neural network (ANN), genetic algorithms are used in studies of the decay law of pavement performance.
     Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is widely used in various research disciplines because of its superior performance. BP network (Back-Propagation Neural Network)‘s application is the most significant. Its non-linear mapping ability is able to approximate any function to solve nonlinear problems. BP net work can simulate complex non-linear dynamic system or process to achieve the pattern recognition. It can establish different prediction models from different angles for objects. BP net work can overcome the inherent shortcomings of traditional models and reflect the attenuation law of pavement performance more objectively.
     Domestic asphalt pavement performance evaluation has a number of indicators that can directly affect the pavement performance. In this paper, prediction models based on BP neural network are established by neural network toolbox on the MATLAB software platform. Combining with factual data of the whole road network conditions, some indicators are selected to predictive analyze. The prediction model is amended to improve the prediction accuracy. Using the revised prediction model, this paper analyzes the prediction results and gives a piece of advice to highway department.
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