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Third Plenary Session of the 17th Communist Party of China Central Committee has proposed that by 2020, resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural production systems would be constructed. As one of essential inputs in agriculture, energy is directly related to the process. Although few scholars till now have systematically and comprehensively studied on energy consumption issues of agriculture, but there are still many scholars who concerned on the related issues and whose achievement of their research offered useful reference for the topic.
     To clarify the status of energy consumption in agricultural production, explore the problem of energy use during agricultural production process, and to seek ways to address these issues, the dissertation analyzed the current situation of energy consumption, explored the characteristics of energy use in agricultural production and forecast the update trend of energy consumption in agricultural production, thus assessed the energy use from both economic and environmental benefits aspects, explored the problems which may exist, and found solutions to these problems and means based on factors affecting energy consumption and its structure. During the analysis, elastic analysis was used to analyze the characteristics of energy consumption in agricultural production and further predict consumption trends; the assessment of energy use of agricultural production mainly use qualitative analysis; the double log-linear model with dummy variables was used to analysis on factors of energy consumption in agricultural production; and factors of energy consumption structure in agricultural production used the method of partial least squares regression. Through analysis, we found the energy use efficiency of agricultural production and consumption structure of agricultural production cannot meet the development needs, in which economic innovation mechanism and policy should be implemented.
     Coal, oil and electricity are the major energy inputs of agricultural production. Since the reform and opening-up, coal, oil and electricity which were input in agricultural production has undergone tremendous changes. Energy consumption structure of agricultural production has changed also. Although the agricultural production and its energy use exist close ties, the consumption elasticity exist between coal, oil and electricity and the gross agricultural production is somewhat different. This difference has led to the change of energy consumption structure of agricultural production in the next decade. Oil will be further established itself as a major energy input in agricultural production status, the proportion of coal and electricity in agricultural production will be declined. The unreasonable trend of Energy consumption of agricultural production needs adjustment and improvement, which not only includes the adjustment of the mix of the three major fossil energy sources, but also includes the adjustment of ratio of the non-fossil energy sources and fossil energy sources.
     Modern agriculture requires not only focus on economic efficiency of agricultural production, but also pays attention to the input and output efficiency and environmental benefits of agricultural production. China's energy consumption of agricultural production will deteriorate in the economic, input-output efficiency and environmental benefits and other aspects with rapid growth of agricultural production, and can conclude that the energy consumption and its structure of agricultural production must be timely adjusted at the same time in the development of agricultural production,.
     There are problems need to figure in energy consumption structure of China's agriculture, to solve this problem requires to clarify its influence factors. Through the integrated use of research data and statistics, linear regression and partial least squares regression analysis, the dissertation analyzed the influence factors of energy consumption and its structure in agricultural production. Agricultural income, agriculture production scale and qualification of peasants are affecting the structure of energy consumption. As long as these factors develop towards a favorable direction, issues related to energy use in agricultural production can be resolved smoothly.
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