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With the development of Internet technology, the sources and manifestations of knowledge and emotions between people are becoming more and more diversified. The combination of computer and network technology has created the possibility of virtual communication, which in turn expands the forms and space of social network building on the Internet. As a social network site of virtual communication, Blog is a kind of new media based on the interpersonal relationship network under the background of Web2.0. Blog develops quite fast now and it has attracted hundreds of millions of users. The emergence and development of blog has brought about a revolutionary impact on the traditional models of information dissemination and interpersonal communication. And the influence of its spread is growing increasingly stronger in the media community, so it gradually becomes a mainstream form of social media with the support of new technology. Blog influence is connected with its own nature, but apart from this factor, does it relate to the position in the relationship network? Therefore, this paper does some preliminary explorations and researches on this issue.
     This paper selects the‘Teachers Village’,‘Photography Village’and‘Students Village’in the website of Blesh as the objects of study, applying the methods and theories of social network analysis, mainly adopting quantitative research method and combining qualitive research method, it studies the models of interpersonal interactive relationship and the forms of information dissemination in three virtual communities which are made up of blogs. Besides, applying empirical research method, it also quantitatively describes and discusses three factors that constraint blog influence, that is the density of virtual community, the network positon of blog in virtual community and the type of relations between bolgs. The main contents of this paper are as follows:
     Chapter 1 specifies the source of the subject and issue, introduces the methods, the train of thought, the contents and the significance of the study, and defines the core relevant concepts.
     Chapter 2 describes the research methods of social network analysis in detail and the theories, data and analysis techniques involved in this subject. Meanwhile, this chapter presents the current research status at home and abroad. According to the research, it is found that although the great influence of blog has attracted many researchers now, few people has done research on this area.
     Chapter 3 provides the theoretical assumptions and the experimental program of this subject. This paper suggests that blog influence is not only limited by the density of virtual community and the network position of blog in virtual community, but also limited by the type of relations between blogs.
     Applying empirical methods and using some specific cases, Chaper 4 to 7 demonstrate the three theoretical assumptions from several aspects– the basic data of the network, centrality analysis, equivalence analysis, relation type analysis and so on. The research shows that (1) Blog seems to be active surfacely, but the reality is that the interaction between blogs is sparse and even none, and the high activity rate has not increased the interaction rate between blogs and the visibility of blogs; though the distances between blogs are usually small, the fact of low interaction frequency in virtual community still hasn’t changed; and the low density of virtual community limits the ablity of information dissemination of blog, which has a negative impact on blog influence. (2) The centrality index of each blog is different. The blogs with highest centrality index and click-through rate play a role of“opinion leaders”in virtual community, and they are the focuses of public attention; the blogs with intermediate higher centrality often control the information dissemination in virtual community more easily, and they may even monopolize the information in virtual community; while those blogs close to higher centrality index have a strong independence, and they cannot be controlled easily. Moreover, if the centrality index of virtual community is low, then it implies there is no blog that can influence the whole virtual community. (3) There are no blogs that play the same role and have the same influence in virtual community. The blogs with the same structural equivalence index have the same impact on the whole virtual community and thus they can replace each other; on the premise of not changing the structure of sub-networks, the blogs with the same automorphic equivalence index can replace each other; while the blogs with the same regular equivalence index have the same impact on specific groups. (4) Indirect relations play an important role in the process of information dissemination, especially the“structural holes”. This kind of positon can not only have a positive effect on its own, but also has a negative impact on information dissemination in the whole community.
     Chapter 8 summarizes this study, proposes several strategies of expanding blog influence, and finally discusses the shortcomings of this study.
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    [8]Robert A. Hanneman, Mark Riddle. Introduction to social network methods[EB/OL]. http://faculty.ucr.edu/~hanneman/nettext/C15_Regular_Equivalence.html. 2010-1-21.

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