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Shandong has been cooperating with South Korea in the areas of economic and trade since 1980’s. Shandong has the biggest amount of Korean direct investments in China on the basis of convenient geographic location, similar cultural background, economic and policy advantages. Now that korean investments has brought opportunities as well as challenges to Shandong, and substantial Korean investments are influencing Shandong in various aspects, a systematic research about Korean investments in Shandong is needed. Countermeasure to the existing problems can be a reference to those provinces who are introducing FDI into their areas. Making good use of Korean investments can improve economic and social development of Shandong province.
     By integrating theory with practice and applying relevant research results and analytical methods as deductive inference, comparative analysis, creating econometrics models, this paper first introduces the locational advantages, such as humanistic, resource, economic and political enviroment. Then it studies the history of Korean investments in Shandong, and also the investment form, regional and industrial distribution, during which an econometrics model is used to analyze the influence of collective Korean investments on the follow-up investments. Moreover, it discusses the influence of Korean investments on Shandong’s trading, industrial pattern, employment, taxation and so on. When it comes to the impacts of Korean investments on the economy of Shandong, this paper uses the direct investments of Hongkong, America, Japan and Taiwan for comparison. We can figure out which country or area contributes more to the economic growth of Shandong through analyzing the causal relationship between FDI and the GDP of Shandong. Finally, a suggestion about utilization of Korean investments is put forward.
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