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以某电力公司自动抄表(AMR, Automatic Meter Reading)系统的研究为背景,以提高电力公司抄表管理水平为目的,提出了基于Web服务的GPRS自动抄表系统。采用Web服务技术实现与各相关的异构系统之间的无缝集成和应用整合;通过JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol)技术规范简化系统部署与维护;采用Java多线程与Java Socket技术实现基于GPRS网络的通信,具有实时性、可靠性等优点。
     文中以实抄配电网中某一变台的“当前三相电压、电流”为例,给出了采用JavaWeb服务最新技术规范JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services)、Java Socket技术与JNLP技术规范的设计及关键的代码实现,并给出了系统的实现界面。系统达到了设计的运行要求,符合国家电网公司企业标准《电力负荷管理系统数据传输规约》,系统已在某电力公司中得到了良好的应用。
Research on an AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) System, the Web Services oriented GPRS AMR System is suggested to enhance the meter reading management of power companies. Through Web Services technology, the system is integrated with various related heterogeneous systems and application seamlessly; simultaneity the deployment and maintenance can be simplified much by the JNLP specifications; the real-time and reliable front-end based on GPRS network is implemented by Java multi-threading and socket technology.
     As an example of reading "the present three-phase voltage and current" of one remote transformer meter, this paper will give the design and key codes based on the latest Java Web Services specifications JAX-WS(Java API for XML Web Services), Java Socket and the JNLP(Java Network Launch Protocol) specification. The system designed accords with the actual requirements and State Grid Corporation standards "Power load management system data transmission protocol" well. It has a favorable application in the actual power companies.
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