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According to the traditional classic theories of the industry organization-“the market structure- market conduct– market performance”of the research mode of SCP,this paper analyzed the concentration degree, scales of the our banking,described the characteristics and formative reasons of it’s entering barracks and structure of the property ownership. We get the blemishes of our banking market structure and property ownership. This paper analyzed the efficiency of our state-owned bank and the personal-owned commercial bank from the cost efficiency, the scale efficiency and the technique efficiencies respectively. Built up the model to analyze how the market and property ownership structures to influence our banks’cost, scale and the technique efficiency, and we also compared the efficiencies differences between German’s and China’s banks finally.
     From the aspect of market structure, the market competition structure of high monopoly of Chinese bank industry still exists. It obstructed the private capital and the foreign capital business enterprise to get into the market competition. It lacks scale economic effect which is brined by the market high concentration. From the aspect of property ownership structure, the boundary definition of the four greatest commercial banks’property ownership is faintness; the ownership of property is deceitfully; the structure of company management is Absurdity; and the internal personal controlling is severity.
     This paper analyzes the efficiency of our banking from the cost efficiency, the scale efficiency and the technique efficiencies respectively. From the cost efficiency, it was placed in the up-trend in recent years; the state-owned commercial banks present an amendment trend, and the personal-owned commercial banks has already come out the worsen stage, the development condition is becoming better. From the technique efficiencies of the state-owned bank and the personal-owned commercial banks all rose and then decline from the boundary in 2001.
     The property ownership’s structures influence the cost efficiency of all banks seriously. But the power of influencing for personal-owned commercial banks is weaker than for state-owned commercial banks. Between the weight of property ownership owned by State and the banking efficiency presents a curve relationship. And now, the weight of property ownership owned by State is always higher than the threshold, to realize the commercial banks long-term revolve efficiently, we must move the bank track to the left half part of the curve. The influencing trends of market structure for the cost, the scale and the technique efficiencies are different. The influencing for state-owned commercial banks is also higher for personal-owned commercial banks.
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