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Based on the theories and research methods at home and abroad, this study created the difference analysis model of residents environmental perceptions to examine the environmental perceptions of the residents living in cultural and historical villages (Hereinafter referred to HCVs).
     Hundreds of HCVs what distributiing over China are important traditional Chinese culture carriers. However, as blind development of tourism , the natural and socio-cultural environment of HCVs are suffering from serious threat. By studying their environmental perceptions, it could get a clear understanding of tourism imapcts on destinations, whatever positive or negative it will be. Three HCVs , ie. ShiLin villege, LiKeng villege, Langde upper villege were selected as examples in this sdudy.
     A questionnaire survey and the indepth interview were combined in this sdudy, dates selected were analysed by SPSS. The statistics were disscused with dates from the depth interview. It concludes that : 1, the elderly and female residents have a strong positive perception to tourism development. 2, residents participation is helpful to positive sense. 3, receipts from tourism is the most important factor impacts resisents perception.Then, a guideline, two principles and measures from the macro and micro perspectives were given on the basis of conclution in the article above. It puts emphasis on the role of governments with deferent levels playing in the sustainable tourism of HCVs, echoing the goal of creating service-oriented government aclaimed by president Hu recently.
     Applying the difference analysis model of residents environmental perceptions to examine the environmental perceptions of the residents living in HCVs, and the combination of the qualitative and quantitative ways in this research is the most important innovation in this study.
     Restricted by the objective and subjective reasons, interviews and survey has some shortcomings. Therefore, longitudital study will contribute to a more in-depth understanding of the residents in the perception of the environment, and the impacts of tourism development on the HCVs. For this resean the study will be continuing.
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