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Tourism scenic area (spot) is the key point for tourism destination development and an unavoidable topic in tourism geography research. It is the physical carrier for the traveling activity, and has important theoretical and realistic significance for the deep study of scenic spot system. Taking 4A scenic spot system in Sichuan province as a case, this paper mainly studies the spatial structure fractal of this system based on the theories of tourism, system and fractal.
     The whole paper is divided into six parts. The first chapter introduces the background and importance of this study, the theoretical and realistic significance of this paper, and the methods and techniques used in this research. The second part is the summary of literatures of this field. It briefly narrates the present situation of domestic and foreign study on the spatial structure of scenic spot system. Since few studies were concerned with this topic, this part mainly reviewed the related achievements including tourism system, tourism spatial structure, tourism destination system, etc. The third chapter introduces some theories related with the study, including some fundamental tourism theories such as the difference of tourism, leisure, and recreation, the relationship between scenic spot and scenic area; systematic theory such as tourism system, tourism destination, tourism spatial structure, and fractal theory, which are the basis for the study in this paper. The fourth part demonstrates the regional background for this study, including the topography, natural and cultural tourism resource, the development of tourism industry of Sichuan province. The fifth chapter is the empirical study of the spatial structural fractal of tourism system of Sichuan province and is the focal point in this paper. It firstly points out the feasibility of the fractal study, then brings forward the basic model of the aggregation dimension and spatial correlation dimension that will be used in this paper and its geographic significance. Moreover, the aggregation dimension and spatial correlation dimension measurement of 4A scenic spot system of Sichuan province and national nature reserve system is carried out based on data collection and processing, and the fractal difference between them is pointed out by correlating and analyzing the calculated results. Based on the above calculation and analysis, the last chapter concludes that to use fractal theory to study the 4A scenic area (spot) system of Sichuan province and national nature reserve is feasible, and both of the two systems have fractal features and fractal difference between them. It also points out the deficiency of the study in this paper.
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