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The twenty-first century sees climate change is the problem that attracts universal attention by the global environment and scientific development research. And the climate change problem is driven by large amount of greenhouse gases such as CO2produced during the process of consumption of Petrochemical energy. Based on the global climate change and the energy security issues, it is put forward that low carbon economy is a new model of economic development as well as a point of economic growth. Agriculture, the basic industry of the national economy and people's livelihood, is an important carbon source for the carbon that is caused by the land use and agricultural activities as well as the input of agricultural chemical materials. However, agriculture has great carbon sink potential at the same time, so how to realize agriculture low carbon development under the background of low-carbon has become a research hotspot that is studied by scholars at home and abroad. This paper take the agriculture low carbon development of Wuhan city circle as the research object in order to explore feasible path of agriculture low carbon development.
     This paper first explain the relative theory and practical research on agriculture low carbon economy at home and abroad, in view of which, and then make a further analysis of foundational conditions of low carbon development of agriculture economy in Wuhan city circle. Later the potential and insufficiency of agricultural low carbon development of Wuhan city circle will be figured out through the analysis of agricultural resource endowment, industrial structure of agriculture, the regional distribution of agriculture, agricultural energy resources, agricultural science and technology and so on.
     By measuring and analysis of carbon emissions benefits of agricultural land use (mainly be farmland, woodland, and grassland) and carbon emission caused by agricultural activities and agricultural material inputs (such as the pesticides, plastic sheeting, diesel, fertilizer, etc) in the space vector of Wuhan city circle, the research shows two results. First conclusion is that area of agricultural land use of Wuhan City Circle in2009is in the state of the carbon sink in general with the total carbon uptake be20.24×104tons, in which the farmland is the main carbon source and the forest and grassland is carbon sink source. Seen from different regions of Wuhan City Circle, there are significant regional differences on the total carbon emission between agricultural land uses of different type, especially in central and western part of Wuhan City Circle, such as Xiaogan, Wuhan and Tianmen with their total carbon emission exceeding22×104tons. While the carbon emission of some regions such as Qianjiang, Xiantao and Ezhou, is relatively less with the total amount be11×104tons. However, the agriculture land uses in regions like Xianning, Huanggang and Huangshi play the main role in carbon sink. The second conclusion is that the total amount and intensity of carbon emission caused by agriculture inputs and activities in Wuhan City Circle from2000to2010show the trend of yearly increment. Seen from feature aspect, the regional differences are obvious:the carbon emission amount and intensity caused by agriculture activities in various regions is different, in Huanggang both carbon emission amount and intensity are very high, a typically "double high" type, and in Xiaogan both high, in Wuhan with the former high and the latter general, in Xiantao and Qianjiang with the former general and the latter high, and in Huangshi both low, a typically "double low" type.
     Agricultural land use and agricultural material inputs of Wuhan city circle agricultural activity is the main source of carbon, the influence factors of carbon emissions are various. Based on the comprehensive research above, conclusions can be drawn that the realization of agriculture low carbon development of Wuhan city circle should depend on several paths as following with the first path is the adjustment of agriculture industrial structure and agricultural low carbonization, second is exploration of new mode of agricultural land use of low carbon type, third is realization of reduction of material inputs in agriculture and their of high efficiency use, fourth is promotion and innovation of agricultural low carbon development technology and the last is establishment and improvement of support system of agricultural low carbon policy and institution.
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