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Feminist criticism is the core perspective of feminist television studies,It isthe criticism which based on women's experience and position, It’s objectabout study is focused on the image of women in television programs, thefemale audience experience and so on.
     The study start from feminist perspective, make the dating reality show"You Are the One" as text about analysis, in ord to interpretate the feminismappearance in show and the "patriarchy-centered ideology and the chain ofcommercial interests in essence. Women in the program are exploited bypaternity and business community, while highlighting individual subjectivityand the right to speak. The appearance of the feminist style cannot conceal thePhallocentricism essence. It is difficult to rid the patriarchal ideology of theprogram, feminist expression in media need new paths.
     This thesis is divided into four parts:
     The first part introduces the reasons of study, the theoretical background,the significance of the topic and the research methods, and explains thebackground of relevant theory and practice.
     The second part is mainly analysis about program text of the "You Are theOne" in feminist Criticism, interpret the image of women in the program andMate Choice through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.reveal the manifestation of woman's right to speak is just skin deep, powerful"male centered" thinking still dominates the overall ideological direction of theprogram, Some radical, outspoken women only serve as cannon fodder of thepatriarchal society discourse, the real beneficiaries is the male producers, so itis only a fantasy of the female revolution and cannot change the essence ofthe "Phallocentricism".
     The third part mainly analysis theproduction mechanism of "You Are theOne" program, from the program's content production to meaningproduction,which put the commercial interests as the ultimate goal, womenare only consumer product of the patriarchal society and business culture,which is still second-class status.
     In the fourth part, it clear the three way of text reading about femaleaudience, At the same time of its empowerment for the female audience, the"stereotype" which produces is also potentially guide the concept of body andgender role of the female audience, thus enabling them to choose their ownpatterns of behavior, resulting in the psychological tendency to copy the mediaimage of women, and resulting in a reality of more and more "genderstereotypes".
     The conclusion it further emphasize the difficult to rid the male-centeredthinking, and pointed out the practical ways to improve the media feministexpression.
    [5] L·van Zoonen,曹晋.女性主义媒介研究[M].广西:广西师范大学出版社.2007.

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